All systems are green

Seeing issues? Please report

  • Landing Page
  • Application
  • Custom Landings
  • Email Integration
  • Background Jobs

    Emails, Files processing

  • Windows App
Previous Incidents

[Resolved] We're currently having issues

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Windows App

Some people are experiencing problems when uploading files via the TaxDome Windows App. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] We're currently having issues

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Application

Some customers are experiencing problems with the Documents and Accounts pages right now. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

We've confirmed there is a problem, we're working to resolve it.

We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] We're currently having issues

Began: Ended: Duration:

Some people are experiencing problems with pipelines and organizers. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] We're currently having issues

Began: Ended: Duration:

Some customers are experiencing problems with the Documents and Accounts pages right now. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

We've identified the issue, localized the problem, and are now waiting for everything to fully recover. Thank you for your patience.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] We're currently having issues with logging

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Application

Some people are experiencing problems with logging right now. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] CPACharge payments

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Application

Payments through CPACharge are experiencing downtime through the mobile app. We are working with CPACharge on a resolution.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] Temporary performance issues

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Background Jobs

We are experience some performance issues at the moment. Delays are possible in some cases.

We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

No further notices from the past 90 days.